party system
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  1. Smart Enough to Make a Difference? An Empirical Test of the Efficacy of Strategic Voting in Russia’s Authoritarian Elections", Post-Soviet Affairs, Vol. 37, No. 1, January 2021, pp. 65- 79 (co-authored: Mikhail Turchenko and Grigorii V. Golosov).
  2. "The Five Shades of Grey: Party Systems and Authoritarian Institutions in Post-Soviet Central Asian States", Central Asian Survey, Vo. 39, No. 3, August 2020, pp. 285-302. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  3. "Useful, but Not Necessarily Idiots: The Ideological Linkages among the Putin-Sympathizer Parties in the European Parliament", Problems of Post-Communism, Vol. 67, No. 1, January-February 2020, pp. 53-63. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  4. "United Russia’s Primaries and the Strength of Political Machines in the Regions of Russia: Evidence from the 2016 Duma Elections", Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 71, No. 5, June 2019, pp. 824-839 (co-authored: Tatiana Tkacheva and Grigorii V. Golosov).
  5. "Legislative Party Turnover and Electoral Volatility: What Explains the Difference?", Comparative Sociology, Vol. 17, No. 6, December 2018, pp. 806-828. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  6. "Russia’s Centralized Authoritarianism in the Disguise of Democratic Federalism: Evidence from the September 2017 Sub-national Elections", International Area Studies Review, Vol. 23, No. 3, September 2018, pp. 231-248. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  7. "Let My People Run: Pre-election Resignations of Russia’s Governors, 2013–2015", Problems of Post-Communism, Vol. 65, No. 4, July-August 2018, pp. 243-252 (co-authored: Grigorii V. Golosov and Tatiana Tkacheva).
  8. "Party Nationalization and the Translation of Votes into Seats under Single-Member Plurality Electoral Rules", Party Politics, Vol. 24, No. 2, March 2018, pp. 118-128. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  9. "Party Systems, Electoral Systems, and Legislative Fragmentation: A Cross-National Empirical Study", Party Politics, Vol. 23, No. 5, September 2017, pp. 487-497. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  10. "Legislative Turnover and Executive Control in Russia’s Regions (2003–2014)", Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 69, No. 4, June 2017, pp. 553-570. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  11. "Authoritarian Learning in the Development of Russia’s Electoral System", Russian Politics, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2017, pp. 182-205. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  12. "Electoral Systems and Territorial Representation", Representation, Vol. 52, No. 2-3, April 2017, pp. 119-134. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  13. "Presidentialism and Legislative Fragmentation: Beyond Coattail Effects", British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 19, No. 1, February 2017, pp. 113-133 (co-authored: Grigorii V. Golosov and Kirill Kalinin).
  14. "Voter Volatility in Electoral Authoritarian Regimes: Testing the “Tragic Brilliance” Thesis", Comparative Sociology, Vol. 15, No. 5, November 2016, pp. 535-559. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  15. "Party System Nationalisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Empirical Evidence and an Explanatory Model", International Area Studies Review, Vol. 19, No. 3, September 2016, pp. 231-248. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  16. "Gubernatorial Powers in Russia: The Transformation of Regional Institutions Under the Centralizing Control of the Federal Authorities", Problems of Post-Communism, Vol. 63, No.4, July-August 2016, pp. 241-252 (co-authored: Grigorii V. Golosov and Marina Konstantinova).
  17. "Russia’s Local Government in the Process of Authoritarian Regime Transformation: Incentives for the Survival of Local Democracy", Local Government Studies, Vol. 42, No. 4, August 2016, pp. 507-526 (co-authored: Grigorii V. Golosov, Kristina Gushchina and Pavel Kononenko).
  18. "Why and How Electoral Systems Matter in Autocracies", Australian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 51, No. 3, July 2016, pp. 367-385. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  19. "Party System Nationalization: The Problems of Measurement with an Application to Federal States", Party Politics, Vol. 22, No. 3, May 2016, pp. 278-288. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  20. "The September 2015 Regional Elections in Russia: A Rehearsal for Next Year's National Legislative Races", Regional and Federal Studies, Vol. 26, No. 2, March 2016, pp. 255-268. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  21. "Factors of Party System Nationalization", International Political Science Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, March 2016, pp. 246-260. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  22. "Federalism, Gubernatorial Power and the Incorporation of Subnational Authoritarianism in Russia: A Theory-testing Empirical Inquiry", Acta Politica, Vol. 51, No. 1, January 2016, pp. 61-79 (co-authored: Oleg Demchenko and Grigorii V. Golosov).
  23. "The Number of Parties and Party System Nationalization in an Integrated Analytical Framework", Comparative Sociology, Vol. 14, No. 5, November 2015, pp. 662-681. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  24. "The Idiosyncratic Dynamics of Party System Nationalization in Russia", Post-Soviet Affairs, Vol. 31, No. 5, September-October 2015, pp. 397-419. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  25. "Do Spoilers Make a Difference? Instrumental Manipulation of Political Parties in an Electoral Authoritarian Regime, the Case of Russia", East European Politics, Vol. 31, No. 2, June 2015, pp. 170-186. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  26. "The Effects of Proportional Seat Allocation Methods upon Legislative Fragmentation: Evidence from Russia",European Politics and Society, Vol. 16, No. 2, April 2015, pp. 178-193. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  27. "Factors of Party System Fragmentation: A Cross-National Study", Australian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 50, No. 1, March 2015, pp. 42-60. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  28. "Party System Format and the Longevity of Party Systems: An Empirical Examination", Comparative Sociology, Vol.13, No. 6, December 2014, pp. 727-747. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  29. "Authoritarian Electoral Engineering and its Limits: A Curious Case of the Imperiali Highest Averages Method in Russia", Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 66, No. 10, December 2014, pp. 1611-1628. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  30. "The Territorial Genealogies of Russia's Political Parties and the Transferability of Political Machines", Post-Soviet Affairs, Vol. 30, No. 6, November-December 2014, pp. 464-480. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  31. "Growing Old without Grace: Electoral Authoritarianism and the Age Composition of Russia’s Regional Legislative Assemblies", Representation, Vol. 50, No. 4, November 2014, pp. 509-526. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  32. "Interdependence Effects in Mixed-Superposition Electoral Systems: An Empirical Test on Women's Participation in Sub-national Elections", Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, Vol. 24, No. 4, November 2014, pp. 434-454. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  33. 33. Co-optation in the Process of Dominant Party System Building: The Case of Russia", East European Politics, Vol. 30, No. 2, June 2014, pp. 271-285. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  34. 34. "Russia's Muslims and Electoral Participation: A Comparative Analysis of Regional Patterns", Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, Vol. 25, No. 2, April 2014, pp. 211-229. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  35. 35. "The September 2013 Regional Elections in Russia: The Worst of Both Worlds", Regional and Federal Studies, Vol. 24, No. 2, March 2014, pp. 229-241. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  36. 36. "The Last Resort of Political Regionalism: Electoral Blocs in Russia's Regional Legislative Elections, 2003–2005", East European Politics, Vol. 30, No.1, March 2014, pp. 71-85. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  37. 37."Towards a Classification of the World's Democratic Party Systems, Step 2: Placing the Units into Categories", Party Politics, Vol. 20, No. 1, January 2014, pp. 3-15. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  38. 38."Is Electoral Authoritarianism Good for Women's Representation? Evidence from the 1999–2011 Regional Legislative Elections in Russia", Post-Soviet Affairs, Vol. 30, No. 1, January 2014, pp. 51-66. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  39. "Machine Politics: The Concept and Its Implications for Post-Soviet Studies", Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, Vol. 21, No. 4, Fall 2013, pp. 459-480. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  40. "Authoritarian Party Systems: Patterns of Emergence, Sustainability and Survival", Comparative Sociology, Vol. 12, No. 5, September-October 2013, pp. 617-644. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  41. "Proportional Representation and Authoritarianism: Evidence from Russia's Regional Election Law Reform", Representation, Vol. 49, No. 1, April 2013, pp. 83-95. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  42. "Towards a Classification of the World's Democratic Party Systems, Step 1: Identifying the Units", Party Politics, Vol. 19, No. 1, January 2013, pp. 122-142. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  43. "The 2012 Political Reform in Russia: The Interplay of Liberalizing Concessions and Authoritarian Corrections", Problems of Post-Communism, Vol. 59, No. 6, November-December 2012, pp. 3–14. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  44. "The Representation of Ethnic Muslims in Russia's Regional Legislative Assemblies", Journal of Eurasian Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, July 2012, pp. 93-105. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  45. "Problems of the Russian Electoral System", Russian Politics and Law, Vol. 50, No. 3, May-June 2012, pp. 18-39. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  46. "Party System Classification: A Methodological Inquiry", Party Politics, Vol. 17, No. 5, September 2011, pp. 539-560. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  47. "The Regional Roots of Electoral Authoritarianism in Russia", Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 63, No. 4, June 2011, pp. 623-639, and in S. White et al., Russia’s Authoritarian Elections. Abingdon: Routledge, 2012, pp. 93-110. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  48. "Russia's Regional Legislative Elections, 2003-2007: Authoritarianism Incorporated", Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 63, No. 3, May 2011, pp. 397-414, and in C. Ross (ed.), Russian Regional Politics under Putin and Medvedev. Abingdon: Routledge, 2012, pp. 37-54. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  49. "The Effective Number of Parties: A New Approach", Party Politics, Vol. 16, No. 2, March 2010, pp. 171-192. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  50. "The Structure of Party Alternatives and Voter Choice in Russia: Evidence from the 2003-2004 Regional Legislative Elections", Party Politics, Vol. 12, No. 6, November 2006, pp. 707-725. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  51. "Disproportionality by Proportional Design: Seats and Votes in Russia’s Regional Legislative Elections", Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 58, No. 1, January 2006, pp. 25-55. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  52. "Electoral Systems and Party Formation in Russia: A Cross-Regional Analysis", Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 36, No. 8, October 2003, pp. 912-935. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  53. "The Vicious Circle of Party Underdevelopment in Russia: The Regional Connection", International Political Science Review, Vol. 24, No. 4, October 2003, pp. 427-444. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  54. "Party Support or Personal Resources? Factors of Success in the Plurality Portion of the 1999 National Legislative Elections in Russia", Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol. 35, No. 1, March 2002, pp. 23-38. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  55. "Legislative Activism of Russian Duma Deputies, 1996-1999", Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 53, No. 2, March 2001, pp. 239-261 (co-authored: Iulia Shevchenko and Grigorii V. Golosov).
  56. "Political Parties, Electoral Systems, and Women’s Representation in the Regional Legislative Assemblies of Russia, 1995-98", Party Politics, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 2001, pp. 45-68. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  57. "From Adygeya to Yaroslavl: Factors of Party Development in the Regions of Russia, 1995-1998", Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 51, No. 8, December 1999, pp.1133-1165. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  58. "Who Survives? Party Origins, Organisational Development, and Electoral Performance in Post-Communist Russia",Political Studies, Vol. 46, No. 3, Special Issue 1998, pp. 511-43, and in R. Hofferbert (ed.), Parties and Democracy: Party Structure and Party Performance in Old and New Democracies. Oxford and Malder, MA: Basil Blackwell, 1998, pp. 89-121. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  59. "Regional Party System Formation in Russia: The Deviant Case of Sverdlovsk Oblast", Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Vol. 14, No. 1-2, March-June 1998, pp. 31-53, and in J. Löwenhardt (ed.), Party Politics in Postcommunist Russia. London and Portland, OR: Frank Cass, 1998, pp. 31-53 (co-authored: Vladimir Gel’man and Grigorii V. Golosov).
  60. "Russian Political Parties and the "Bosses": Evidence from the 1994 Provincial Elections in Western Siberia", Party Politics, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 1997, pp.5-21. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  61. "New Russian Political Parties and the Transition to Democracy: The Case of Western Siberia", Government and Opposition, Vol. 30, No. 1, Winter 1995, pp. 110-19. (Grigorii V. Golosov)
  1. "Авторитарная Россия: Бегство от свободы, или Почему у нас не приживается демократия ", М.: Говард Рорк, 2021, 348 с. (Владимир Гельман)
  2. "Из огня да в полымя: российская политика после СССР", М.: Цивилизация, 2012, 256 с. (Владимир Гельман)
  3. "Реформа местной власти в городах России, 1991–2006", СПб.: Норма, 2008, 368 с. (Владимир Гельман, Сергей Рыженков, Елена Белокурова, Надежда Борисова)
  4. "Изобретение «наследия прошлого»: стратегическое использование «хорошего Советского Союза» в современной России", Препринт М-92/22, СПб.: Издательство Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге, 2022, 36 с. (Владимир Гельман, Анастасия Обыденкова: Центр исследований модернизации)
  5. "Конституционные механизмы «недостойного правления»: случай России", Препринт М-85/21, СПб.: Издательство Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге, 2021, 36 с. (Владимир Гельман: Центр исследований модернизации)
  6. "«Либералы» versus «демократы»: идейные траектории постсоветской трансформации в России", Препринт М-72/19, СПб.: Издательство Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге, 2019, 42 с. (Владимир Гельман: Центр исследований модернизации)
  7. "Исключения и правила: «истории успеха» и «недостойное правление» в России", Препринт М-64/18, СПб.: Издательство Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге, 2018, 38 с. (Владимир Гельман: Центр исследований модернизации)
  8. "Politics versus policy: технократические ловушки постсоветских преобразований", Препринт М-55/17, СПб.: Издательство Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге, 2017, 38 с. (Владимир Гельман: Центр исследований модернизации)
  9. "Модернизация, институты и «порочный круг» постсоветского неопатримониализма", Препринт М-41/15, СПб.: Издательство Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге, 2015, 44 с. (Владимир Гельман: Центр исследований модернизации)
  10. "Политический кризис в России: модели выхода", СПб.: Издательство Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге, 2012, 56 с. (Владимир Гельман, Николай Добронравин, Борис Колоницкий, Дмитрий Травин: Центр исследований модернизации)
  11. "«Подрывные» институты и неформальное управление в современной России", Препринт М-13/10, СПб.: Издательство Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге, 2010, 28 с. (Владимир Гельман: Центр исследований модернизации)
  12. "Динамика субнационального авторитаризма: Россия в сравнительной перспективе", Препринт М-01/08, СПб.: Издательство Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге, 2008, 32 с. (Владимир Гельман: Центр исследований модернизации)
  13. "Права человека в России: невостребованный атрибут?", Горби, №6, 2024, с. 8-11 (Владимир Гельман)
  14. "Виктор Шейнис и российская электоральная реформа 1993 года", Электоральная политика, № 2, 2023, с. 4 (Владимир Гельман)
  15. "«Недостойное правление»: генезис, механизмы и последствия", Политология. Новый лексикон, М.: Издательство «Аспект Пресс», 2023, с. 153-163 (Владимир Гельман)
  16. "«Недостойное правление» в условиях внешнего шока: случай COVID-19", Политическая наука, № 2, 2022, с. 34-52. (Владимир Гельман)
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